Mitsubishi motors 4M40, 4M40T, 4D56, 4D56T - user guide / instruction on repair, maintenance and operation.
The manual provides detailed step-by-step description of procedures for repair and maintenance of diesel engines MITSUBISHI 4M40 (2.8 l), 4М40Т (2.8 l turbo), 4D56 (2.5 liter), 4D56T (2.5 liter turbo). The publication contains the possible malfunctions and methods of their elimination, mating dimensions of the main parts and limits of their allowable wear, as well as detailed information on diagnosis, repair and adjustment of fuel injection pump, starting systems, charging and turbocharging.
The book is intended for car owners, the staff of service stations and repair shops.

Modifications of these engines are installed on models:
"a STRADA" (L200)

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