BMW 520i &525e - manual repair, maintenance and operation of the vehicle.
The most complete guide for models BMW 520i and 525e in a body (series) E28. Was released in very small quantities. Almost never occurs. I assume that this is a very high-quality translation of similar books from the publisher Haynes Books released for the Western market.
Unlike all the other books in this series, this book elaborates on the features and device vacuum control motor M20 that is on models 520i, injection LE-Jetronic system idle speed control based on thermo-mechanical regulator.
The book is detailed, was the table for several years and therefore are left with virtually no cover.
Scanned copies of original quality images and text (all very good reads), while ensuring the minimum possible size.
The guide provides detailed specifications of all units, assemblies, mechanisms and systems of the car, provides recommendations for performance of works on maintenance service and repair.
The guide is intended for employees of centers and service stations, automobile repair shops, as well as for technically trained motorists

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